Reiki Classes

Reiki Classes

The Japanese word Reiki abide from a combination of an phrase REI and KI which means All-Embracing Life Power. Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability, It's an age old healing technique which clears the stress from the mind and heal the body. It's a divine method of spiritual healing and anyone can improve one's own life it doesn't harm anyone it's safe and secure it will only cure the illness. The feeling of being connected directly to God's healing love and protection is clearly apparent. Reiki is the only method to keep your mind and body calm. It feels divine. Reiki can be done by anyone it's doesn't depend on someone's intellectual capacity so it could be performed by everyone. Some people believe that Reiki makes a connection with God which help them heal. The atmosphere during the Reiki session will be comforting and relaxing. The lights will be dimmed, the music will sooth and relax the sub conscious mind. Some Reiki instructors prefer a silent place without any disturbance or distraction. We are one of the best Reiki Trainer in Rishikesh Located near Laxman Jhoola in the foot heals of Himalayas.

Healing Touch Therapy:

The healing touch therapy is done by a practitioner who will heal the body by placing the hands on different parts of the body. The practitioner basically place his hands on the parts where he feels Reiki is required, during the therapy the practitioner will be touching your a particular part of the body but it'll feel like many hands are healing the body that's the magic of reiki. (Three Levels of Reiki)

Level First Reiki:

The keynote of the first level is to "Heal Our self" therefore the origin is explained to heal with power in a spiritual, subconscious, physical and emotional level. Starting the training as a Reiki healer the first step is to heal our self and made the connection with the divine. The aim to be a Reiki healer is to be skilled one's self and to take charge of the actions in their life. It's a step towards completing our self and self in charge.

In Level First Reiki You Will Get :

Reiki attunement, a spirtual start which will open the path for the clogged energy or the Hara-Line in the body and it will open the channel for the energy to flow, it also produces higher All-Embracing Life Power energy. The frequent times the practitioner uses Reiki more powerful and stronger the flow will became. The attunement therapy is the one which makes Reiki different as compare to other healing therapies. A person can't learn Reiki just by reading about it, Reiki needs to be practiced and experienced. Reiki could be your path for the betterment of your life, it gives positive power with its flow of the energy. The more you learn Reiki the far negativity will be. You will get to know about the Reiki healing hand points for self-healing and for helping others to heal. You will learn practically, healing power exercise and different meditations. You will get to know about the Chakra and Aura in what way it is necessary for spiritual healing. You will learn about the psychic guardianship. You will learn in what way to Look over the Body and Aura for clogged energy. You will learn about the Angels and Soul Controller, and how it can heal your body. You will be instructed, in which way the toxins are impacting your Chakra system and how to purify your Aura and your surrounding.

Level Second Reiki:

In this session the Reiki Healer is introduced to a advance level after learning the first level. The clogged energy will be removed in a greater extent. The Reiki symbols will be taught and in which way they can be used in healing. Now the fascinating lession in Reiki starts where the Long distant Reiki healing will be taught. The person who is recieving the Reiki healing doesn't require to be physically present there. Reiki healing is a power which is not restricted to infinity and beyond time.

In level Second Reiki you will get:

Reiki second attunement, a spiritual beginning open the power channels in the body for higher All-embracing Life power energy. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences. You will learn about the Reiki second symbols and how to charge them. The Reiki symbol training will be taught practically and the difference in the energies. It will be done in a single day. The Reiki healing exercises will be taught and many more meditations to bring stability in the higher healing power. You will learn the Long distance Reiki healing , the practitioner will show the technique. You will learn in what way to accomplish the Spirit Clearance. You will get the advance forms of spiritual and psychic guardianship. You will be taught about your Past Lives and in which way did they affect in healing. You will revise the first level technique, in what way to Look over the Body and Aura for clogged energy. You will also be able to know in what way you can keep a barrier when you are assign to work with the public.

Level Third Reiki a.k.a. Reiki Master Level:

The Reiki healer who get to this level they need more experience and personal growth to achieve the Reiki Master degree. The Reiki healer should take all sessions to accomplish the third level there should not be a time gap. In Level third Reiki it is required to the person who would be giving his 100% to accomplish all healing levels and make access for more reiki healing powers. Work with enthusiasm in a healing companionship. The healing cycle should be completed by your own desire. The people who want to expand their involement in Reiki healing. Those who wants to combine all Reiki power and Tera-mai energy. Those who wants to teach Reiki to help others healing.In the Level third you will get: The traditional Reiki and Tera-mai symbols. A particular time would be given to perform with the Reiki symbols. The special techniques will be taught and in which way it can be performed on others. You will learn in what way the Reiki Master Symbol is used. You will get to know how to teach these levels to others. After completing all levels you will get a Reiki Three manual and a certificate for completing Reiki. Going through Reiki levels could be hard but it will worth it once you will complete all levels. After completing all levels does not mean the end of the Reiki training Reiki will become a part of your life and the learning process is for a life time.

If you want to join Reiki Classes/ Courses in Rishikesh (India), Please Contact Us Click here.

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